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Organisation Listings
Регулярные фестивали
Association Des Jongleurs d’Afrique (African Juggling Association)
Association Française de Jonglerie (French Juggling Association)
British Kendama Association
Česká žonglérská Asociace (Czech Juggling Association)
European Juggling Association
Fight Night Combat
Fundacja Sztukmistrze
International Jugglers' Association
Japan Juggling Association
Magyar Zsonglőr Egyesület (Hungarian Juggling Association)
Naked Jugglers' Association
National Centre for Circus Arts (previously known as Circus Space)
New Zealand Juggling Association
Nordic Juggling Network
Norges Sjongleringsforbund
Svenska Jonglörsföreningen
Swiss Juggling Association
The Union of UK Unicyclists
World Juggling Federation
Регулярные фестивали
47th Annual MadFest Juggling Festival
5-3-1 Festival of New Juggling
Ballring Juggling Conventions
Bath Upchucks
Berlin Juggling Convention - Berliner JonglierConvention
BoB - Bristol's other Bristol
Boston Juggling Festivals
Bremer Jonglierconvention
Bristol - The Number 1 Juggling Convention / Broxford
British Juggling Convention
Bungay Balls Up
Cambridge Juggling Conventions
Chocfests - York Juggling Conventions
Conventions di Giocoleria della Brianza
Crawley Circus Festival
Danish Juggling Convention (Dansk Jonglør Træf)
Dublin Juggling Convention
Eesti Tsirkuse Konvention (Estonian Circus Convention)
Finnish Diabolo Conventions
Galway Juggling Convention
Game Of Throws
Göttinger Jonglierconvention
Groundhog Day Jugglers Festival
Hamburg Jonglierconvention
Lancaster Magic and Circus Convention
Leeds Juggling Conventions
Lestival! The Leicester Juggling Festival
MadSkillz Vancouver
Manchester Juggling Conventions
Melbourne Juggling Conventions
Milton Keynes Juggling Conventions
NJF - Nederlands Jongleer Festival
Nott Juggling Conventions
Oxford Juggling Conventions
Phoenix Fire Convention
PLaY Festival
Portland Juggling Festivals
Pyramidales Jonglier- und Kleinkunstfestival Karlsruhe
RIT Spring Juggle-In
Scottish Juggling Convention
Turbo 418
Turkish Juggling Festival
Historical Juggling Props
Juggling Dot TV
Library of Juggling