Iain Murray - #
I had a great time at #BJC2024 -- Thanks so much to all the organizers and volunteers!
I thought I'd share two things:
1. I made some notes to go with some of the club-passing workshops (and a bonus workshop from a previous convention): https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/imurray2/juggling/workshops/
2. I forgot my hand-cream and got dry/cracked hands from all the juggling and hand-washing. Fortunately @Heydar is awesome and gave me some E45. Because I noticed that the mixer taps in the toilets were almost always turned to their hottest setting, I'm sharing a tip from a friend in the NHS: don't use really hot water for frequent hand-washing. Concerned I might be spreading disinformation, I checked a literature review. It seems to back up that using hot water can cause dermatitis, and that it's not necessary for hygiene. Warm/tepid water is recommended (and cold water is fine if you still wash your hands for long enough?).
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