5 ring 66661 records

5 ring solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
95 catches Mats12017-04-30
60 catches Heydar2017-06-12
25 catches varkor2016-04-22
5 catches Rob van Heijst2012-11-10

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
60 catches Heydar2017-06-12to a drop
95 catches Mats12017-04-30
35 catches Heydar2016-04-25clean, either 7 or 9 rounds- turns out I can't count up to 10 accurately anymore
25 catches varkor2016-04-22
20 catches Heydar2015-08-08back to pattern
15 catches Heydar2015-04-16back to pattern
10 catches Heydar2014-11-05back to pattern
5 catches Heydar2013-11-29to clean qualify
5 catches Rob van Heijst2012-11-10