5 ring 645 records

5 ring solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
309 catches Norbi2015-03-08
200 catches Heydar2022-04-03
150 catches Jamie2023-01-06
135 catches PipJim2017-09-24
57 catches Mats12013-06-21
24 catches Rob van Heijst2013-11-29
21 catch Jaled2011-01-24

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
150 catches Jamie2023-01-06
120 catches Jamie2023-01-03
75 catches Jamie2022-08-15
51 catch Jamie2022-04-21
200 catches Heydar2022-04-03clean
33 catches Jamie2022-02-11
30 catches Jamie2022-01-18Watch video
174 catches Heydar2019-04-19
117 catches Heydar2018-03-31clean
105 catches Heydar2018-03-01clean
135 catches PipJim2017-09-24
84 catches Heydar2017-05-11clean
93 catches PipJim2017-05-07
75 catches Heydar2017-03-13clean
60 catches PipJim2017-02-25to clean collect
36 catches PipJim2017-01-22
69 catches Heydar2017-01-11
54 catches Heydar2015-12-06probably more, but at least 18 rounds
49 catches Heydar2015-04-08clean
309 catches Norbi2015-03-08Watch video 1:31
33 catches Heydar2015-02-05
20 catches Heydar2014-11-24clean
12 catches Heydar2014-06-24back to pattern
6 catches Heydar2014-05-15back to pattern
300 catches Norbi2014-04-07
24 catches Rob van Heijst2013-11-29
57 catches Mats12013-06-21
12 catches Rob van Heijst2012-11-10
21 catch Jaled2011-01-24
15 catches Mats12010-07-15
12 catches Jaled2009-08-12
6 catches Jaled2008-04-21