5 club cascade with a club balanced on the head records

5 club solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
91 catch Jan Poolen2019-08-23
58 catches Felix Juggler2018-06-19
39 catches peterbone2015-03-10
20 catches PipJim2017-02-19
16 catches Heydar2017-02-09
10 catches CameronFord2018-10-07
5 catches Ludvig Landgren2019-09-05

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
5 catches Ludvig Landgren2019-09-05
91 catch Jan Poolen2019-08-23
81 catch Jan Poolen2019-07-30
70 catches Jan Poolen2019-04-16
64 catches Jan Poolen2019-04-02
51 catch Jan Poolen2018-11-16
10 catches CameronFord2018-10-07Clean, kept balance, first time trying. I should be less scared of tricks which I think are too hard.
45 catches Jan Poolen2018-07-30
58 catches Felix Juggler2018-06-19
31 catch Felix Juggler2018-04-25
11 catches Felix Juggler2017-11-26
20 catches PipJim2017-02-19clean, kept balance
16 catches Heydar2017-02-09then a club knocked my balance off...
18 catches PipJim2017-01-09dropped penultimate throw going for clean collect of 20
10 catches Heydar2017-01-04clean qualify
8 catches Heydar2016-12-05clean
14 catches PipJim2016-11-27clean
6 catches Heydar2016-11-03clean
12 catches PipJim2016-05-06
10 catches PipJim2016-02-17clean
9 catches PipJim2015-08-19dropped last throw of attempted collect. Kept balance.
7 catches PipJim2015-06-08Clean
39 catches peterbone2015-03-10
5 catches Heydar2015-03-02clean flash
5 catches PipJim2015-02-01
20 catches peterbone2006-06-23Watch video