4th Acrobatics Convention in Bosnia & Herzegovina

All juggling events in 2014
Juggling events in Босния и Герцеговина‎, 2014


понедельник, 11 августа 2014 to воскресенье, 17 августа 2014


Krupa na Vrbasu




We would like to invite you the fourth acrobatics convention in Bosnia-Herzegovina!

Same site, same crew, same Vrbas, NEW summer! The fourth acroconvention in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

From 11-17th of August, Krupa on the Vrbas

Between steep mountains and crystal blue rivers we are going to spend five days in the sun together doing acrobatics. In a set-up which you might know from Dutch and German acrobatics festivals, we'll have acrobatics workshops on various levels, camp, swim, play, go out, etc.

We will camp 25km south of Banja Luka, which is in the North of the country, 3 hours by road from Zagreb (Croatia). These days of Bosnian acrobatics can, for example, be the adventurous part of your summer holidays on the Croatian coast.


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