Associació de Malabarisme de Badalona (AMB)

Defunkt juggling club listings > Испания‎

This club has not been verified within the last 18 months and has been removed from the regular listings

This information was imported from the IJDb back in 2012. It has not been through the usual Edge validation processes and there may be information missing. Are these details correct? If not please let us know.

AMB (Asociación de Malabarismo de Badalona) es una asociación de jóvenes sin animo de lucro, laica y apartidista, dedicada a difundir las artes del circo, basándose en el trabajo voluntario de sus socios y colaboradores y buscando siempre la máxima indepe


Centre de Cultura Tradicional Can Canyado, c/Pompeu Fabra s/n


Tuesday 19:30-22:00h & Thursday 20:00h-22:00h


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